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Bestway Global Holding Inc.
No. 3065 Cao An Road,
Shanghai, 201812, China
T : 86 21 6913 5588
United States
Bestway (USA) Inc.
3435 S McQueen Rd, Chandler Arizona
85286, United States of America
T : 1-480-838-3888
Bestway Europe S.p.a.
Via Resistenza, 5
20098 San Giuliano M.se (Mi), Italy
T : 39 02 9884 881
Bestway Australia Pty Limited
100 Carnarvon St,
Silverwater, NSW 2128, Australia
T : 61 2 9037 1388
Central & South America
Bestway Central & South America Ltda
Salar Ascotan 1282, Parque Enea,
T : 562 3203 6438
Hong Kong
Bestway (Hong Kong) International Ltd.
7th Floor, East Wing, Tsim Sha Tsui Centre,
66 Mody Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
T : 852 2997 7169
Bestway Brazil
Rua São João, 1648
Maringá - PR - Brazil
T : 0800 001 8400
Bestway France Sarl (commercial office)
223 rue des Metalliers
ZI Les Platières
69700 Chassagny Beauvallon
T : 33 4 89 03 24 00
Bestway Deutschland GmbH
Parkstraße 11,
24534 Neumünster, Germany
T : 49 4 321 555 05 - 0
Eastern Europe
Bestway Eastern Europe Sp. z o.o.
Ul. Ekologiczna 24
05-080 Klaudyn
T : 48 22 60 22 508
Bestway Scandinavia A/S
Amagertorv 17, 3 sal,
1160 København K,
T : 45 78744569